Outlaw Half Thoresby Cancelled
It is with much regret that we are cancelling the Outlaw Half Thoresby Weekend 2024.
When we launched Outlaw Half Thoresby in 2019 it was called Outlaw X to celebrate ten years of the Outlaw Triathlon Series. We considered it being a one-off, but the success of it encouraged us to run it again. Then the pandemic hit, and the world changed.
Although numbers were excellent in 2020 and 2021, they have dropped significantly since then and costs have increased. As good as the feedback and beautiful sunshine was, the 2023 event was the smallest ever and it made a huge financial loss, just as it did in 2022.
At the point we decided to cancel and switch off new entries, we had received only 60 new entries into the middle-distance triathlon, the rest were deferrals. Tracking this against previous years, the event was forecast to make a loss once again. Whilst we are committed to the Outlaw Triathlon Series and have a robust business that is financially underpinned by a wider portfolio of events, Outlaw Half Thoresby is no longer viable.
Alternative options
We looked at moving to a new date in June to fit into the rest of the Series. However, the venue was not available. Cancelling was our last resort, but unfortunately, it’s the position we are in.
We could have left entries open and hoped that they picked up, but data from two previous loss-making years indicated that it’s unlikely to reach the number of entries that are required.
Outlaw Half Thoresby will not be replaced with an alternative venue in 2024, but we intend to look again at Bowood Estate and other venues for 2025.