Five Talking Points Ahead of Outlaw Half Nottingham
Outlaw season is about to get underway on Sunday 15 May. There are plenty of talking points, here are five key ones!
1. The race sold out as quickly as ever! There are just under 1800 individuals and 41 relay teams taking part, starting at 6am at the National Water Sports Centre on Sunday. It’s the first of five races in the Outlaw Triathlon Series and entries are still available for the others.
2. There’s a Professional Racing License up for grabs for the leading amateur man and woman based on Outlaw Half Nottingham being a British Triathlon Gateway Event, and plenty of athletes have said they’re aiming for this! There’s also a £1500 course record pot, times to beat are 3:51:44 (Will Clarke, 2019) and 4:18:56 (Cat Faux, 2014).
3. This will be Matt Bottrill’s last test before supporting Olympic and Ironman World Champion, Kristian Blummenfelt at Sub7 next month – he says he’s ‘fitter than ever.’ Bottrill is doing the bike leg in a relay with three-time Olympic swimmer Ross Davenport and triathlon legend, Will Clarke. The relay course record of 4:01:18 is likely to be smashed!
4. There are two men, Gary Goacher and Graham Yare, taking part that have done every single Outlaw and Outlaw Half event since the first event took place in 2010. That’s a feat of endurance and consistency covering 11 full distance and 16 Half Outlaw events over twelve years (and counting).
5. Sam Perkins is aiming to complete ‘one more tri’. He’s already an Outlaw; he completed the full distance event in 2016, but this time will be extra special. He has motor neurone disease (MND) and is being supported round by friends and family, including Nottingham Forest FC players. There’s no treatment or cure for MND, he’s aiming help change that https://justgiving.com/fundraising/onemoretri.
Tracking and results links will be available via https://www.outlawtriathlon.com on Sunday.